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Yourself You Should Be

Be yourself is an obvious action, one could argue that is inescapable . Being yourself does not mean you are not susceptible to your environment, well, undoubtedly we are influenced by our environment which is being overwhelmed by the influence of the technocrats. We are subjects by the entertainment, media, and other very controlled information we ingest. This society places constant pressure on its citizens to conform to certain standards that must prescribe to political correctness. Undoubtedly, this entices a lot of people to pretend, to be pretentious, and ascribe their heavily influenced behavior, that is performative, theater, which is only an avatar for their "authentic self." Some people are authentically forming to what popular society accepts as authenticity. Someone who thinks they are a walrus is authentic despite ignoring and outright hating how they were born. They convince themselves that they are being truly who they are, this self-delusion that never materializes in them obtaining their true identity or true self. They find any excuse to justify their new "authentic" self. That is heavily influenced by theories formulated by the science and education intelligentsia.

It is hard to be yourself in this society. Peer pressure has become greater than familial pressure. Since the family has been dissolved, people no longer look for validation from their families they look for it in the public square predominately social media (which is populated with the scientists and proponents in the intelligentisia who are accolytes for critical theory that is at the core of the cultivation of the modern identity) and we are doomed to look for acceptance from the masses of people. It begins with yourself and then with your family. People are being coerced into a fabricated authenticity not only by fake praise because of their choice but also because of the demonization that comes from the masses if you identify as a black or white man that has a strong affinity for women. If you attach any of the other fabricated labels or announce that you live in one of these other shoddily formulated "communities" you appease the masses. Well, mainstream society, which is what is galvanizing the "authentic self". A lot of people whose identities seem to be created by theories propagated by mainstream society, I surmise, would not be that same person in isolation, in self-contemplation without the influence of people who need to validate their own existence with the existence of people who identify and think just like them. Despite the claim that all people should be accepted as they are.

There is always some sort of conformity whilst forming your identity. My identity is forged by The Most-High, Masiach, the scriptures, my family, and lastly my own consciousness, perception, and interpretation of this ethereal. Maybe that's just it. We cannot help be influenced by our environment but it is our own volition our own intonations that allow us to take the influences in our environment and be absolutely critical about empirical experiences.

A lot of leftists, self-proclaimed liberals always profess that they are living their "authentic" life. An authenticity that must be automatically accepted. Their should be know judgement of their behavior or character, their self imposed label should breed in all people that they are in the presence of an all powerful deity. Everyone must affirm their identity, even those who just do not want to engage with them, who only want to focus on cultivating their own identity, who just want to live in the world and figure it out and not be burdened with validating the insecurities of others. These scum who believe that their, in my estimation, contrived identities must be deified or all detractors be not only ostracized and demonized but exiled from society are selfish unthinking degenerates. It does not matter how illogical, inconclusive, or casuistic their behavior and ideological leanings. The lunacy must be accepted without censure or objection or else.

As an aside, the ability to exile a detractor is something that a lot of these "oppressed" groups have. That seems counterintuitive to their proposed maltreated or ineffectual position in society.

This is why they closed mental institutions. What happened to all of the mental institutions? Obvious insanity is not just placated but it is embraced. We are placating lunatics! A lot of people have power and a voice (a lot of people's voices should not be heard) and should be in a padded room, lobotomized. If the universe does not accept any insane action, notion, or ideal, if the whole of a person's delusions are not accepted by all with total obeisance, you must be exiled from society. This asininity, this utter absurdity is professed as natural, as intrinsic but is cultivated wholly by corrupt ideology that is obviously taking advantage of people who are out of their minds!. We cannot and should not appease these lunatics!

Be yourself, if people do not like your for being yourself.... FUCK THEM!! (And not like the LGBbTQIAP+ community, the hedonist, or the sex addict wants to fuck)... Actually, I may have it wrong. A lot of people are being themselves, identities are not being contrived, a lot of people are authentically, intrinsically crazy as fuck!

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