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Your Wish Is Your Doom

Updated: Oct 8, 2021

"Be careful what you wish for, lest it becomes true."

When I think about the quote attributed to Aesop I think about the story of Dionysus and King Midas of Phrygia. Dionysus was so grateful to Dionysus for his treatment of Dionysus’ mentor and son of the god Pan, Silenus that he granted King Midas a wish. Midas was consumed with avarice (like the billionaires [I think trillionaires] controlling this scamdemic) wished that everything he touched turned to gold.

From The Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome by E.M. Berens, "Upon one occasion Silenus, the preceptor, and friend of Dionysus, being in an intoxicated condition, strayed into the rose-gardens of this monarchy, where he was found by some of the king's attendants, who bound him with roses and conducted him to the presence of their royal master. Midas treated the aged satyr with the greatest consideration, and, after entertaining him hospitably for ten days, led him back to Dionysus, who was so grateful for the kind attention shown to his old friend, that he offered to grant Midas any favour he chose to demand; whereupon the avaricious monarch, not content with his boundless wealth, and still their thing for more, desired that everything he touched might turn to gold."

King Midas' wish for a greedy clown seems reasonable. Continually;

"The request was complied with in so literal a sense, that the now wretched Midas bitterly repented his folly and cupidity, for, when the pangs of hunger assailed him, and he essayed to appease his cravings, the food became gold ere he could swallow it; as he raised the cup of wine to his parched lips, the sparking draught was changed into the metal he had so coveted, and when at length, wearied and faint, he stretched his aching frame on his hitherto luxurious couch, this also was transformed into the substance which had now become the curse of his existence."

I also think about, according to Herodotus, King of the Medes Croesus serving Harpargus' son to him because Harpargus betrayed Croseus because he did not kill Croseus' own son. Croesus commanded his own death because like Saturn he did not want his own son to usurp his thrown. His son Cyrus with the influence of Harpagus eventually conquered the Medes because he had wished his own son dead.

That is what is happening nowadays. Those who have willingly taken an unproven medicine (I do not care what the "science" says enough time has not passed to prove it true and they are purposely ignoring the injury that the medicine causes) because they cannot accept their decision. The medicine that the pharmaceutical companies made, conducted trials, and promoted to a federal agency they fund is not being questioned and a grand number of morons in this society have accepted it unerringly and believe the "elite" when they call it safe.

They want medical treatment denied despite most deaths being the result of fat bastards who denied heath their whole entire lives eating the bullshit food that the FDA approves. They are wishing death upon those who thoughtfully decided that a disease that has a near 100% survival rate despite the United States which is a country filled with the fattest fucks on the planet, the overwhelmingly number one morbidity in the deaths of the disease that white folks along with Asians made. That is why the scum-filled media never speaks about the death rate that locked us down in the first place.

Keep wishing for, hoping for the death of people who chose not to choose like you (even though you were told by the creators and propagandists promoting the medicine that it was your protection against the disease but now for some reason you taking the medicine means that you are more vulnerable), and be thankful when the pharmaceutical companies and the federal government force you to eat your gold child.

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