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Why Bad Thoughts?

Bad Thoughts Publishing Company

Est. 2013

Los Angeles, CA

This is a brief thought from an interview I did (with myself) regarding why I named my company, Bad Thoughts.

"INTERVIEWER: Okay, I guess... Why did you choose the name Bad Thoughts? You are a smart man and I know you had to understand what that name could elicit not just in writing but also in someone’s behavior. If you have any moral compass you understand that Bad Thoughts aren’t subjective and are typically relegated to the cognitive reality of some of the most destitute and most degenerate people in any society.

JS: Aristotle did not say or write this, that we know, but I think that this adage of mysterious origin makes a lot of sense, “It is the mark of an educated man to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

As humans, we think things to ourselves about people, events, our environment, and our reality that arguably truthfully represent our true thoughts and feelings, they express what we truly want, need, and desire. I’m speaking about those “I should just quit my goddamn job and take what little money I have to Thailand and sell fruit for the rest of my life," thoughts. I want to express that through art.

I understand what “bad” means in this society. My very existence could be “bad” to some people so I understand that everything I think could be considered “bad”. I also understand that I am the only defender of not only my art but all my modes of expression."

Bad Thoughts are normal. Do not be ashamed to think of the thoughts that some may perceive as detrimental to the human spirit. My only warning is, do not let those thoughts consume you. The mind is incredibly strong and resilient just like our bodies. "Science" and the corrupt scumbags who are its practitioners attempt to obfuscate that truth. The Most-High endowed our bodies with all the protection we need. That is why the evil doctors and scientists demean the spirit because they discount the Most-High, despite their inability to prove otherwise and only cause more problems than they cure. That is why the doctors and scientists at the behest of their globalist overlords must force their quackery as true...

That is what Bad Thoughts are. That is what Bad Thoughts Publishing Company is. Thinking for yourself, thinking freely, thinking honestly in the moment, and upon further thought, research, and understanding have the will and wisdom to be able to correct yourself.

Despite perception and my own blunderous behavior, I am attempting to operate in that vain in my life and I want my company to display the faults of my being but the wisdom to understand that I have faults that need to be corrected. I have and I will continue to write it all down.

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