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Whoredom! Whordom! Abort! Abort!

It is likely that the Supreme Court of the United States will strike down Roe versus Wade. For those who have no clue what Roe entails, it ensured that a woman's right to murder, I mean, abort her child in utero is protected federally protected. Each of the 50 states had to allow abortion and could not outlaw the crime. Now that the horrid decision in that course case is on the precipice of being overturned many pro-abortionists have lost their goddamn minds and have taken to the streets to protest for a women's right to terminate her pregnancy for any reason.

Roe versus Wade was based upon a completely manufactured incident that incensed a society, very sensitive to race, to allow for the murder of children. Norma McCorvey was never raped by black men. The two feminist lawyers who argued the case had been looking for a "victim" that they could use to argue for the blatant slaughter of the unborn. Similarly, to how the NAACP and other communist organizations were looking for the perfect woman on that Montgomery bus to being the process of inducting black folks into the global society.

The contention between liberals and conservatives, I believe, is that most conservatives do not believe in the tenants of globalism and the fallacious idea that all people are equal and should have the exact same needs, wants, and ideals. People are as different as apples, oranges, and bananas and just as those fruits offer different nutritional benefits and detriments so does the whole of humanity. Each individual apple, orange, and banana is also not the same as their type despite all of the similarities. Some may be bruised, or deformed, some may be more sour or sweet. There is no equity in all of the universe. Well, death and divine judgement are the only true equity.

In recent years, I have become increasingly conservative as I age in my actions and thought processes, my belief in The Most-High and his son, and fatherhood the impetus. My conservative leanings, I feel, make me a greater steward of my family. I want to ingrain in my children that they must be accountable for their actions and also be aware of and understand the consequences of their actions. I cannot and they cannot control their entire environment completely, that has to be reckoned with. That is something that I truly have had to come to grips with because our current society is becoming increasingly chaotic. Every idea must be accepted and validated no matter how aberrant and specious. It is being celebrated no ordered that people should operate with no discipline or tact. Everything must be considered moral. All actions of every person must be accepted, no celebrated, and validated. At least that is how I am interpreting the left side of politics. The leftists are not living in reality and are proving to be thoroughly irrational and delusional. Another reason why I became conservative.

No accountability and a comprehensive disregard of consequences (predictable consequences!) is at the heart of abortion. Every argument presented by pro-abortion advocates; "it is women's health care (if the woman may lose her life)", "coat hanger abortions and other unsafe methods will replace safe abortions (as if abortion is "safe" for the children murdered)", t"he mother's mental health (as if their mind will mot be fractured or impaired, damaged by murdering their children)", "rape and incest (less than 1% of abortions are due to rape and incest)", are solely anecdotal. Even so, these reasons should not allow for a woman the choice to scrap a pregnancy.

Overwhelmingly, disturbingly, most abortions are used as contraception. A woman is allowed to engage in coitus without protection with as many men as possible (and they should not be slut shamed) and not suffer any consequences. They can risk disease and pregnancy and go to Planned Parenthood and be absolved of both. I believe that women (and men) engage in unprotected sex not only to "feel good" but because they know that the product of their capricious promiscuity can be exterminated.

Abortion is the anchor of "hook up" culture and the proliferation of one night stands. I believe the pro-abortion argument stems from the degeneration of femininity. The true goal of the feminists. They have instilled in the women of the western world that their power is in obscuring their femininity. The feminists have proposed that women should become men while they bastardized and demonized the role of the man and father. The role of the woman and the mother in society is demonized because a bunch of globalist funded women's perception of the family structure. They have told the woman that she should shirk all responsibility for her whims, for education (mis-education and debt), and for jobs. They have ordained that to be feminine and a real woman you must be hedonistic, hyper-materialist, gluttonous, and worst of all an insanely narcissistic slave to the capitalist system that feminists claim to abhor.

Women should only indulge in and embrace their most base nature. The feminist has moralized this society into accepting child sacrifice for subjective paths to happiness. The feminists have emboldened the corrupt supposedly scientific reasoning that places all these arbitrary standards on what is considered a life. Life begins at conception and there is absolutely no viable argument against that because we cannot skip stages in our development. A child must be denied life because it has not grown to a stage where he or she can feel pain or have a consciousness? What type of demonic thinking is that? There are qualifiers placed upon life and because those qualifiers are validated by "science" it is not a child, in fact you are not aborting a child you are shedding cells. The most extreme abortionists believe that based singularly on the will of the mother that a child can be executed at nine months! Some states are entertaining that a child outside of the womb can be murdered nearly a month after birth be it the mother's will.

This is also why they have allowed for irreconcilable differences (no fault) as an excuse for divorce. Most divorces are initiated by women and they can toss away a marriage like they can toss away their children. A woman, as long as she FEELS despite how tentative, fragile, malleable, and fleeting as emotions can be disregard anything and it should not be judged it should be celebrated.

The feminists have instilled in women that motherhood is a burden, that bearing a child makes you a slave to men while wholly promoting the wavering and subjective benefits of being a slave to the system. There is nothing more beautiful than motherhood, fatherhood, and growing a family. All that ails this this society will only begin to be healed when we strengthen the family. The attempts (many successful) to indoctrinate all members of society into the illusory ideology coming from corrupt moronic ideologues are dooming society. The breath in their lungs is not validation of their existence it is everyone "affirming" whatever they can think up at the moment. They cannot come to grips with the fact that they are miserable, detestable, also rans that simply made up some bullshit to avoid any ascetic envisage. These people who no one should be listening to (they should not be listening to themselves either) want to force society to accept their self-deception as accomplishment.

The adept, the adroit, will notice that feminists never tell women that when it comes to sex they should be hygienic, protect themselves, guard against any and all consequences of engaging in not only coitus but all sexual acts. "Their body their choice." Abortion is for the health of women but diet and exercise is fat-phobic and fat shaming (most obese people in the United States are women). Sexually transmitted diseases affect women more negatively than they do the men, but women are only free when they can have uninhibited sex and buy... everything! They are using the vanity of women to get them to engage in all manner of degenerate behavior. Behavior based upon the thought processes and actions of the most degenerate men.

The baby formula crisis is attached to abortion in my estimation. If we cannot kill the child in the womb we'll ensure that you cannot nourish your child and increase the likelihood of death of the child outside of the womb. Ditto for the vaccine being formulated for children under five. They have no scientific basis to create a vaccine for that age group (any age group). This is a death cult.

I cannot only criticism women. I must chastise and disparage men. We must be held most accountable. Your seed is the most important part of your being and you should not be giving it or even offering it up to these women who are being taught to not value anything but their own selfishness. We cannot excuse away our own sexual urges as simply natural so we do not have to have any discipline or discernment. We should ensure that whoever we have sex with is someone who is upstanding and moral. And if we are going to indulge our basest nature we must ensure that we are protected and that the woman who is our desire is protected. Sex is not this act that can be regarded as just a quest for climax. It is our responsibility to take sex almost as seriously as our responsibility to protect and provide for our families.

There is a direct causality between the Marxist movements in the 50s, 60s, and 70s and the dissolution of the family. The best way to upend a society is to destroy its connection to the Most-High which destroys its morality, which destroys the family. The preeminent way the family is destroyed in this society is at its very beginning, the birth of a child. American society is absolutely doomed if we continue to allow blood thirsty embodiments of the worst traits of all the mythological mother goddess figures to indulge in their incessant, excuse riddled compulsion for child sacrifice.

This is prophetic and I understand that this society will be torn down by forces who attempt to, and will be successful in, moralizing evil. This will not be reversible we will all put a valiant fight but the demons will win in this world. This society will continue to moralize and celebrate the most fiendish, detestable, demonic, and serpentine ideas and circumstances until it falls into complete undeniable chaos and oblivion. At the forefront of this evil is the sacrifice of the child as sacrament not only to Moloch or Baal (the stand in's for Satan) but for the woman's whims. The events in the Garden of Eden validated.

Addendum: I have been apart of an abortion because of the same reasons a lot of women use to justify the right they have to murder. My lady and I chose to have an abortion one month after courtship because we were not sure where we were together. We equally agreed that we do not want to forcefully be inducted into the baby daddy baby momma dynamic. I am harsh on pro-abortionists because it is hard for me to forgive myself. Abortion haunts me everyday of my life and one of the main reasons why I'm anti-abortion. The day of judgement will be tough for me and I thank The Most-High for his grace, mercy, and his decision. I look at my three children and understand there should be four. Despite what the scum feminists say, men are heart broken, demoralized, wrecked, and shattered when they agree to kill or do not agree to murder their children. That is why I got this tattoo...

Me with green arms.

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