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Proofreader Needed

Above is a brief introduction to The Dorner Protocol a new novel by Jonathan Sheppard to be released late Spring or early Summer 2021.

I am looking for a Proofreader/Editor for my fifth work and first novel, The Dorner Protocol. The Dorner Protocol began as a Mid-Term project for a course I took in college. My Professor had me read my seven-page double-spaced short story to the class. I received some chuckles and after I sat down my Professor advised that I publish the work. At the time I was in the midst of writing another novel tentatively titled, Fake Death of which I have about 100 pages or 60,000 words and intend on publishing next. Fake Death will undoubtedly be a more serious and personal work written from the first-person point of view. I put Fake Death to the side and worked on expanding The Dorner Protocol and I am now on the precipice of fulfilling my Professor's advice and publishing the story.

The Dorner Protocol is fun, it’s silly, it’s a comedy of my sensibilities. I got to use my imagination. Maybe this work will illuminate how imaginative I am or crass, mean, and uncreative I am. As a poet and someone who has written many many poems of different forms and structures, I have never structured any work or project as I have this novel. I have completed three edits and I have a fourth and final edit planned. After the fourth edit is complete, that is when I plan on passing my manuscript on to the Proofreader/Editor.

I’ll be transparent and admit I have never worked with a Proofreader/Editor professionally but I do have an idea as to what I want from the Proofreader/Editor I secure for this work.

I need a proof edit of my manuscript; grammar, sentence structure, and syntax. I need an Editor who will adhere to very strict deadlines. The Editorial Contract will outline in exact detail what is expected of the position.

Other necessary qualifications:

· BA/MA Degree in English, Linguistics, or Equivalent or Equivalent Experience

· Willing to Sign an Editorial Agreement

· Provide a Sample edit

· Cover Letter and Resume or CV

· Three professional references

About The Dorner Protocol Manuscript:

I will not spoil anything about the plot of the story but here are the manuscript’s details:

Page Count: 214 (as of the beginning of the fourth edit)

Word Count: 115,000 (as of the beginning of the fourth edit)

$20 to $40 an hour DOE

I suggest that all Proofreaders/Editors interested in the position please read some of the work on my personal blog to get a feel of my style (maybe the right candidate can edit the Essays and Editorials on my personal website as well).

Please email inquiries and all required application materials to

Document for Sample edit will be provided.

Thank you!

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