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The Trial of Mhislaine Gaxwell a Short Story

Updated: Dec 19, 2021

The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell should be the trial of the century. Jeffrey Epstein's black book should be made public and literally thousands of people should be held accountable for the pedophile rings that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell obviously headed. There are even more around the world that NEED to be identified. But what I know will happen is that she will be excused for her grooming (which is happening in all public schools around the nation by these moronic teachers who have ensured that our kids are forced to care more about what they wrote in their random made up college thesis' based upon degenerate pedophile based french and german theory than preparing the children to be productive members of United States society) because the mainstream media and the moronic United States public has accepted pedophilia dressed as women being around kids and MAPS as normal. They will and have covered it up. There are tons of women pedophiles. Women are equally pedophilic. If you think Ghislaine Maxwell did not find benefit and sexual gratification in her partnership with Jeffrey Epstein I have a plandemic to sell you.

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