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The Only Pathology

A South politician preaches to the poor white man

"You got more than blacks, don't complain

You're better than them, you been born with white skin" they explain

And the Negro's name

Is used it is plain

For the politician's gain

As he rises to fame

And the poor white remains

On the caboose of the train

But it ain't him to blame

He's only a pawn in their game

The deputy sheriffs, the soldiers, the governors get paid

And the marshals and cops get the same

But the poor white man's used in the hands of them all like a tool

He's taught in his school

From the start by the rule

That the laws are with him

To protect his white skin

To keep up his hate

So he never thinks straight

'Bout the shape that he's in

But it ain't him to blame

He's only a pawn in their game

from Bob Dylan - Only A Pawn In Their Game

The above Chief Thoughts was removed from our YouTube channel for an assumption that pertained to the medicine being coerced into the arms of everyone on the planet (being coerced by un-pathologized so-called white people by the way). We only have ten subscribers and thus we are not monetized so no threat to lose any income, even so, it was my first warning (I am surprised by that). We have moved all of our videos to Rumble and intend on using other so called "alternative" video platforms to post Chief Thoughts and promote our work. The mainstream media and technocratic establishments (again mostly so-called white people) insistence, no their inclination to censor under the guise of care for minds is the dystopian promise of many of the "prophetic" novels and films in the early to mid-twentieth century. The corrupt suspected pedophile politicians and the tech nerds must think for the people and decide what information is pertinent to societal understanding for not other reason that their inflated position in society. Current events are only to be described by the single narrative of pure propagandists. The narrative that the establishment is promulgating always seems to benefit the "elite", the oligarchs, the Plutocrats... who would have thought? They always seem to benefit greatly from their programs despite the their burden of magnanimity; their motives plenary and holy. So check us out on Rumble for now. We have yet to transfer our content to Odysee and BitChute which will happen here soon. We will continue to post on YouTube until our channel has been deleted but we will not be posting all of our content.

The subject of the Chief Thoughts video that was removed by YouTube was commentary on the only allowable pathology in our society, the behavior of so-called black people. According to ALL races and ethnic groups, we are naturally diseased from birth to be a pox upon society; unfettered heathens, opprobrious, lamentable. In the seldom chance one of us just so happens to have the rarefied immunity to the pathology we must be one of those rare talented tenth negroes. Otherwise, all blacks have an affinity, a penchant for criminal behavior. This pathology is specific to the so-called black men who are the decedents of slavery in America, foundational black Americans. "Black" immigrants are not subject to the same supposed empirical pathology, unless they commit a crime then they are lumped in with us. That is why I argue that we need the United States Census to distinguish between the "black" people who are decedents of slavery in America and the migrants from all over the black diaspora.

Other groups are not judged as a whole by the behavior of a small minority of its members. Any impropriety, corrupt, or immoral action is individualized. If a black man murders someone or if a particular neighborhood houses a preponderance of black folks and is known as crime ridden then that is indicative of the behavior of every black person in that community and in the greater black society. We are not allowed to be autonomous beings, each black person is never beholden to our own character and merits, we are always a representative. We must be judged by the behavior of the dregs, the deplorables in our society.

There are no pathologies for any other group, particularly the authors of our own, white people. Despite being the majority of the censors, the majority of the doctors and pharmaceutical companies who lied and are responsible for the opioid crisis (lied about cigarettes the exact same), not to mention the methamphetamines crisis, the white politicians that outsourced jobs killing American industry and destroying the middle class (most of the middle class white), the coaches and teachers who are raping and molesting mass amounts of children and also filling their heads with bullshit theories way before Critical Race Theory, not to mention putting them in massive amounts of debt and using the theories they created to advise them against families and relationships, the child sacrifice of abortion which is contributing greatly to their declining numbers, the waste of tax payer money on wars, the bailing out of banks and other white owned institutions to continually feed an incessant insatiable greed, the growing and soon to be prevalent sympathy for pedophiles, possible nuclear war that will destroy the planet all the while promoting climate change and the remedies when they are the ones who created the supposed problems, exterminating races and ethnic groups the world over as well as animal species either for ornaments or by destroying ecosystems, creating and reverse engineering viruses, promoting Satan worship in entertainment and destroying worship of The Most-High, promoting Enlightenment values which are only values that exalt the light bearer Lucifer... No pathology for all of that. Actually, all of those despicable actions signify white genius! Those are just bad actors, lone wolves. "What about black on black crime?"

Currently, black people are pathologized most evidently with an obligatory connection to the Black Lives Matter "movement". Personally, I have never identified with that movement and neither have many other black people but it seems the other racial and ethnic groups in our society believe that all black people somehow have some adoration for that obviously corrupt organization (being supported and propagated by mostly white people). I understand that most whites are educated by the mainstream media and entertainment (most people in general: a difference without distinction) and believe all of its lies about black people. They do not have many black friends and do not encounter many black people so they always use either media representation or the minimal interactions they have had with "black" people to formulate their prejudices. Black Lives Matter being the most prevalent media representation for black folks.

They deny or obfuscate that BLM is funded by mostly white people particularly, George Soros and other actors in the New World Order, the Democratic National Committee and is predominately an LGBTQ organization. Most of their donations go to democratic candidates, the LGBTQ community, and the three black lesbian front women of the propaganda mill. They know to use "black" not only because black people have the only true moral claim to restitution and will garner sympathy from white guilt possessed liberals (and anger white conservatives) but more so than that they know that the other races and ethnicities will automatically attach all of BLM's actions to black people and black people will be considered the enemy not the players behind the organization. Like white people we are only pawns.

What's more, the riots of the summer of 2020 are known as the BLM riots. Despite, the attempted annexing of small portions of cities in the Pacific Northwest and the attack on police stations and other governmental buildings perpetrated by so-called white people. Antifa, the group responsible for most of the billions of dollars of damage predominately has "white" membership.

I must reiterate the other races and ethnicities do not see black people as individuals, as they see themselves, they see us as one giant negro, one big nigger. It is easy to attach anything labeled black to all black people because of that thought process. Furthermore, any promotion or mention of black people in the mainstream media is always distracts white people. The white "elite" have recognized for centuries that their underlings are not prejudice against power, they envy and lust for power, for supremacy, they are prejudice against black people. Labeling something as black despite our lack of control of any institutions in this nation is a dog whistle that the elites use to distract from their own insidious behavior.

What I know is that the black man, the decedent of slavery in America, the foundational black American, is the supreme enemy of this society. That is why whites and other ethnic groups will ignore what their leaders are doing to them, the condition of the dregs in their societies, the horrid conditions of the nations that they have migrated from, for the shortcomings of the minority in our own society. The despicable nature of their own society has greater effect on them than anything that we do to ourselves. I understand that they cannot help but attack our community, that is prophecy. Still, I recognize that they must use all manner of discursive circumlocution to justify their natural inclination to discriminate against us, their history of violence against us, and the formulation of the pathology.

The dissemination of this pathology is a projection, a signification of the consciences of those who claim it infests our community. The only thing I can do to combat any perception of me and my people is be as authentic as I can under the stewardship of The Most-High and the Mashiach. Continue to seek knowledge, wisdom and understanding of myself and the society in which I was thrust. I will judge the individual actions of everyone, even my own, and not connect one person's behavior to entire groups based upon the degenerate's intrinsic characteristics. Most importantly, I will keep focused on the stewarding my family with the scriptures as my guide. That is the ultimate protection from those who want to force this singularly pathology on me and our multitude. That focus will also ensure that I do not, that we do not, succumb to trappings to the behavior that are symptomatic of their manufactured pathology. Lastly, understand and internalize Amos 3:3: "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?"

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