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The Left-Hand Path

Updated: Jan 27, 2022

The left-hand path is contingent upon disobeying the ten commandments and indulging in the Seven-Deadly Sins.

The Seven-Deadly Sins began in the fourth century AD, when an Eastern Christian Church Monk, an Egyptian Monastic, and one of the church's most influential theologians named Evagrius Ponticus or Evargrius the Solitary wrote the eight evil thoughts; gluttony, lust, avarice, anger, sloth, sadness, vainglory and pride. At the time clergy did not write for the congregation or general audience as most of their flock were illiterate, they were writing for their peers. He wanted to relate how these eight thoughts could interfere with the spiritual practices of adherents to the church and teachers of the gospel. One of Evagrius the Soiltary's students, John Cassian, brought the eight evil thoughts to the Western church, where they were translated from Greek to Latin (The Eastern Church especially the Orthodox Church was Greek as the scriptures were originally written in Greek and Aramaic the Western Church headquarter in Rome spoke and wrote in Latin). In the sixth century, St. Gregory the Great, who later would become Pope Gregory I, reorganized the eight evil thoughts in his commentary on the Book of Job. He removed “sloth” and added “envy.” He did not include pride as one of the newly rearranged list but described it as the arbiter the progenitor of the others he pontificated that pride was the potentate of the other seven ultimate expressions of human carnality. They later would become infamously, notoriously recognized as the seven deadly sins.

Furthermore, the great theologian Thomas Aquinas again revisited the list in Summa Theologica or Summary of Theology. Aquinas, re-included “sloth” and casted aside “sadness.” Similarly to Gregory the Solitary, Aquinas' also posited that pride was the chief sin. Pride remained as the overshadowing czar, the mediator of the seven damnations. The current capital sins of the Catechism of the Catholic Church are inherently the equal of Aquinas’ sentiments, except “pride” was replaced with “vainglory.”

The sins are christened "mortal", "deadly", or "evil" because they lead to the corruption of humanity and the demise of our most precious particularity, our souls.

I hesitate to use the seven deadly sins. As I have searched the scriptures and there is a scriptural basis for them but I just like to use the word explicitly to elucidate my understanding of the left-hand path. Also, Pope Gregory and subsequent Popes seem to be steeped in pagan practices and allow ed the Franciscan and Dominican Friars to usurp pagan principles for alms under the illicit practice of simony. Pope Gregory VIII in my humble estimation solidifying the Catholic Churche's heretical roots with the solar (sun-worshipping) Gregorian Calendar.

The ten commandments are our ultimate guide to how we should interact with each other and society. Along with the biblical law outlined in the Book of Leviticus, Proverbs, and prominent in the stories and allegories in the scriptures.

That acknowledged I will attempt to connect the seven deadly sins or eight evil thoughts as outlined by Ponticus and Aquinas to the scriptures I find apt and also connect them to what the libertine, the philistines (modern context), the progressives, the liberals propagate in their politics, thoughts, and how they comport themselves.


Def. Physical or mental inactivity; disinclination to action, exertion, or labour; sluggishness, idleness, indolence, laziness.

It goes without saying that most liberals believe in equity in pay because they are too lazy to do what is necessary to achieve great things which can lead to more pay. They must be paid commiserate with other people because they are too lazy to work.

Sloth was not originally tied to laziness. Early Christian philosophers attached sloth to not being truly committed to performing spiritual duties. Gregory the Great equated sloth to sadness and believed that sadness or melancholy were the sins that led to indolence when performing spiritual commission.

"Progressives" those claiming that their thought processes, their benevolent programs that will heal all that plagues society embrace slothfulness in both contexts.

One of the most egregious examples of the slothfulness of the "progressives" is not only their denial of spiritual understanding but the art that they covet.

All of modern television and film championed by progressives (and lauded by mainstream entertainment media and validating "prestigious" awards) as groundbreaking is incredibly lazy writing, casting, directing, producing, and editing.

They lazily take intellectual property from the past that showcased strong male characters and just simply replace all the males with females, or with an LGBTQ person, they race swap, cast a disabled person, or just a person who just so happens to be "X" is interesting just upon the fabricated merit of being apart of some "minority" group.

It's absolutely lazy, uninteresting, and they cannot even get people who identify the same to indulge in the art because the art, frankly, sucks! That is why they most flood the zone, inundate every platform with the shitty art so that they force people to indulge their bullshit and as force fed as it is, it still gains no traction.

Also, these lazy scum are given the illusion of action by being able to complain from their couches or bedrooms about something and be empowered by other sloths like themselves too lazy to think of new intellectual property or create new art in their divine image.

Or they look at themselves and their perceived oppression and project that perception onto the world. It's really an egoism that charges society with conforming to their corrupted view. All must exalt that view.

It would be easy to think that the construction of this art is due to some indelible ennui but these people are shaking mad in all seriousness. The talentlessness that is being suborned is ineffable.

These artist show pure listlessness for anything that is not "centered" on their manufactured "identity" their hyper egoism based upon a fabricated dogma that must be antithetical to the status quo.

They just want an excuse to not work hard.

They are too lazy to research and rely upon slogans foisted upon them from the media to act as signifiers to the cause they were told to care about. The media tells them how to think, what to wear, what to listen to, and how to behave because they are too lazy to investigate and to figure the world on their own.

Proverbs Chapter 21: 25

25 - The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour


Def. The vice of excessive eating

Sloth emboldens Gluttony and Gluttony emboldens Sloth. These progressives are most often gluttonous that is why they are slothful. They want people to "accept them as they are" because they are too lazy to change anything about themselves. They are divine so they are born perfect. No one can question who they are, judge their actions, or force them to look in the mirror because it may hurt their feelings (liberal fragility).

Fat and obese people are the newest victims of the social constructs of the society. All of society must be reshaped literally by the people who wear out bus seats, weigh down hospital beds, and use more gas than all others because they weigh down their cars. Every entrance way and exit must be at least two doors wide. Hospital beds must be at least full sized, and airplanes should be 150 feet wide just in case Blue Check Twitter wants to have a convention at Charlie's Chocolate Factory.

These adipose tissue rich people have been constructed by poor dietary choices. Fatness is not inherent. Some people may have the DNA for a slower metabolism that is more prone to weight gain but that does not mean poor eating habits should be embraced, that unhealthy lifestyles should be embraced. That is proof to me that liberals and those celebrating obesity have never had the health and/or well-being of the people who they are supposedly the champions for in mind.

I levy this criticism against myself as well. My body mass index is pretty high and I have been over weight pretty much my entire life. It has never ever crossed my mind to celebrate my weight and my poor diet. That is self defeating and suicidal. A lot of the most common diseases in the United States are due to poor diet. The scamdemic would not have had a great impact on this society if one of the three to four comorbidities (a lot of them pertaining to years of poor dietary habits) obesity the most common amongst them. (I contend that the scamdemic's effects are all government imposed either by edict or by deceitful statistics).

Diet is also linked to mood. Diet improves cognition. Exercise helps improve mood and cognition. The libertines are purposely trying to ensure that those who follow their doctrine are in a depressed state, have a clouded mind so that they can continue to embrace and propagate their false doctrine.

They are not only literal gluttons they are also gluttons for victimization. Victimization has become their greatest currency as evident by the many Instagram posts, Tweets, TikTok and ouTube vlogs that must alert the world to some perceived misfortune or misgivings. They are gluttons for pain, masochists hiding their need to be abused behind inane complaints about a real power structure that has been ascribed their self-serving interpretations that only seem to excuse all of their gluttonous own behavior.

Proverbs 23: 20-21

20 - Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh:

21- For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.


Def. Sexual appetite or desire. Chiefly and now exclusively implying intense moral reprobation: Libidinous desire, degrading animal passion.

Lust is the libertines most favorite indulgence. It goes without saying that lust in terms of unadulterated, unattached sex is their most favorite past-time. They do not care that the people and communities who have made sex a preeminent part of their identity have endured many pitfalls in their separate societies because of unhinged sex. Disease and abortion and do not care to build or maintain valuable relationships. The libertines do not realize that if they sought strong relationships based upon core values that do not "center" sex that they would be more fulfilled. But most of these identities need to have sex to perpetuate themselves. Positive intimate relations built on the strong foundations of trust, compromise, and understanding are key to a happier life. A lot of the phillistines cannot put it together that their thought processes on casual intimacy are leading to a plethora of problems not only in their personal lives but in their societies but they cannot see past the lust for climax.

Greater than the lust for climax (maybe) is the lust for power and prestige. The lust for power and prestige is cloaked in the lie that equity is being sought. Equity that does not mean they have to improve themselves to prove that they are worthy of power. They do not want people to rise to their self-purported elite status in society. They want to drag society down to their view that a utopian society is filled with nothing but chaos, it has no morals or standards. They want to be apart of the elite class that rules over the equity that must embrace totalitarianism to be enforced upon the rest of the population. They are not seeking equity they want to be able to enact the same power that they perceive those higher on their power hierarchy are enacting upon them.

Colossians 3:5-8

5 - Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:

6 - For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:

7 - In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.

8 - But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. (Something I need to take heed of)


Def. Vehement or violent anger; intense exasperation or resentment; deep indignation.

The lust for power and prestige has caused the libertine "liberals" to enact wrath under the guise that they must do anything necessary to achieve the equity that they want to force on the whole of society. With the wrath of their frenzied mob they try to "cancel" people because of a manufactured sensitivity, that finds them "triggered" to rage because someone or some entity may criticize them not just on their identity but on their actions. They are vengeful when someone does not exalt them as a divine figure whose intellect must be praised so that they do not dive into a deep unvalidated depression. Society must be molded in their narcissistic image or they will burn it down. Antifa and Black Lives Matter burned down cities under the guise that violent action is necessary for awareness of the oppression in this society. They destroyed without any thought to what they were actually destroying as the corporations, that they claim to despise grew larger, and their vitriol demolished the corporations' only, although meager, competition.

I believe because they are agents of the "elite" groups who want to destroy small business so that they maximize profits and replace the small businesses that helped Americans ascend into the middle-class upper middle class. They only want a class that is equally poor as to provide the class dichotomy that the "elite" want. They lie about charity and care, they tell half-truths, they engage in disinformation and pretend to be the victim when they are actually the aggressor. They use a corrupt moralization that does not care who is under the thumb of their wrath innocent or guilty as long as their "feelings" are appeased.

Their feelings will never be appeased until their wrath eliminates all opposition to their equity program. A program that is doomed to fail not only because the "liberals" are disingenuous actors but because any human with a modicum of work ethic will deny their efforts.

Proverbs 14:29

29 - He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly

Proverbs 15:1-2

2 - The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.


Def. To feel displeasure and ill-will at the superiority of (another person) in happiness, success, reputation, or the possession of anything desirable; to regard with discontent another's possession of (some superior advantage which one would like to have for oneself). Also in less unfavourable sense: To wish oneself on a level with (another) in happiness or in the possession of something desirable; to wish oneself possessed of (something which another has).

All of the seven deadly sins are connected and one leads to another, and if one is enacted or embraced most often the others are also being enjoined. One mortal sin causes the other that is why engaging in one will cause the manifestation of the other. The slothful writing, directing, editing of film and television and the narcissistic self-centered poetry, novels, paintings and other art have not only embraced laziness but are also filled with envy. Instead of developing new intellectual properties and creative stories and narratives that infuse action, drama, comedy, and all other art forms with their craftily projected identity; they take old franchises and concepts that "centered" some identity supposedly higher than theirs on the totem of power and just replaced them.

That to me brings to mind another one of the many words and phrases that have been infused into society from the universities through critical theory most often from the early to mid 20th Century. The most conspicuous, palpable, the most evident rebuttal then and now is penis envy!

The "liberals" are the most apt to align themselves wholly with the rhetoric of the "liberal" "elite". No matter their actions (mostly the lack thereof) they fall in line and accept the insider trading, the "liberal" cities that are filled with homelessness, crime, a high cost of living, shitty education, and lack of well paying jobs. All exacerbated by a scamdemic that mostly those "left" leaning are clamoring for because they cannot help but pretend to care about society. The actions of the "liberals" during this plandemic should have only elucidated those paying attention to the narcissism of the "liberals" that all they care is about themselves. The collateral damage from the scamdemic has been much much much greater than the shoddy statistics from the left leaning governmental organizations and media of this fabricated crisis. They purport in gist to care about mental health and illness but that has only exploded during this plandemic. They care about the working poor but loved that jobs were lost, small businesses shut down (if they weren't burned down) or if people quit because they believe in bodily autonomy. All the while their heroes those who they hope to be welcomed the largest transfer of wealth in human history (how communists of you). All of this crisis was created by the same bureaucrats they envy, whose programs they follow without questioning, who they envy, who they clamor to be. They envy to be in positions of power where their rhetoric is lauded. Where they can continue to be lazy, except for moving their mouths and lips.

Proverbs 14:30

30 - A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.

James 3:16

16 - For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.Avarice/Greed


Def. Avarice - Inordinate desire of acquiring and hoarding wealth; greediness of gain, cupidity

Greed - Inordinate or insatiate longing, esp. for wealth; avaricious or covetous desire.

The libertines are greedy for food and sex but also for wealth and for gain in society. Again, they claim to be anti-capitalists, they go as far as to call themselves communists. Similarly to the communist leaders they worship imposing the oppressive equity on society they also wish to control the mode of production and the social mores. These identitarians, not in the classical sense, but with the understanding that societal mores must be explicitly related to whatever the "liberals" identify as today. They have to stake claim to society mores because society will be better for everyone if it moves contrary to the status quo. The "liberals" do not hoard wealth as the corporations they worship they do use a tactic that corporations use to evade taxes and that is charity. The "liberals" and the identitarians attempt to use guilt to garner millions and millions rather billions and billions of dollars for their causes. Causes that they never intend on alleviating, they intend on exploiting. Black Lives Matter for example claims to be fighting (burning and looting) for the black community but none of the BILLIONS of dollars they received in donations went to help the black community. All of those funds either went to "liberal" elite politicians, LGBTQ organizations, and to the greed of the slothful, gluttonous, "founders" of BLM. That is the same program for all of these charitable organizations that the "liberals" promote. All of these identity based charities use the BIPOC label to attach themselves to any and every oppressive incident of some singular identity, and exploit it for the greedy gain of their varying identities. The identities are connected shoddily by simplistic evaluations and connections justified by critical theory.

When they receive their ill begotten donations, the "liberals" are the ones who follow the trends that the Carlyle Group promote. They are the ones who must have an updated iPhone and drive a Tesla, buy the latest fashion, to feign as if they are wealthy and to embrace hyper materialism. Their depression and mental illness validation for it all. They support the "elite" and pretend to hate and loathe them simultaneously. They help grow their coffers (I admit we all have some culpability in the elite's wealth hoarding). That is how they attempt to gain the societal acceptance they long for by hoarding status symbols. An action that tacitly goes against all of their anti-capitalism, climate warrior, espoused beliefs. They are covetous of the "elite" especially their wealth and the "elite" are the cause of most of their woes.

1 Timothy 6:9-10

9 - But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.

10 - For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.


Def. Vainglory - Glory that is vain, empty, or worthless; inordinate or unwarranted pride in one's accomplishments or qualities; disposition or tendency to exalt oneself unduly; idle boasting or vaunting.

Pride - A high, esp. an excessively high, opinion of one's own worth or importance which gives rise to a feeling or attitude of superiority over others; inordinate self-esteem.

The definition above is self-evident when dealing with the "liberals" and liberalism. Their claims of chronic depression and other debilitating mental illnesses (some mental illnesses possessed by their cohorts they refuse to recognize) are only because society is not exalting them as their ego feels they should be exalted. Competence is inherent in incidental, intrinsic qualities and characteristics. There is currently no need or want to test competence or show competence all you have to do is exist, just show up with the right characteristics and ideology and you are automatically the right person (being or entity or however they perceive themselves) for the job.

I do understand historical disparities but I also cannot accept that my ascension depends on someone else's abasement. I also believe in creating a space for myself. I can create a business and/or institution based upon my own standards and not attempt to usurp or take over someone else's institution. I believe in meeting the standards and exceeding them. I do not want to be apart of any organization that believes that erasing standards and moralizing them away.

Sex, sexual preference, and anything else the liberal ideologues choose are enough qualification for praise. They exalt themselves for nothing more than claiming an identity, their "truth". They shout it to the heavens for all to relish because it is their birthright to be praised. Being born is the only accomplishment needed to ascend the power hierarchy and destroy it as well.

For those of us who attempt to raise our mental acuity who do not accept the status quo by attempting to replace it but by transcending it. Allowing it to be a guide not the absolute object of our ire not the reason why standards must be demolished.

Existence does not automatically garner competence, intelligence, adulation, excellence, and yes, even respect.

Galatians 5:26

26 - Let us not be desirous of vainglory, provoking one another, envying one another.

2 Timothy 2:16

16 - But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness

Job 15:30-31

30 - He shall not depart out of darkness; the flame shall dry up his branches, and by the breath of his mouth shall he go away.

31 - Let not him that is deceived trust in vanity: for vanity shall be his recompense.

Proverbs 16:18-19

18 - Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

19 - Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.

In conclusion, even if you are not religious, it is evident that the left (these sins do befall the right as well) in this country is enacting a program that is based on the degradation of society. They do not want to improve society, they want to destroy it and in its place a dystopia where everyone is equally degraded. Only the identitarians will rule with the Seven-Deadly Sins and everything contrary to the teachings of scriptures as their doctrine.

Galations 5:19-21

19 - Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20 - Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21 - Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

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