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The Flattering Tyrants

When I think about the so-called "elite" of this global society two distinct words come to mind;

Schadenfreude - Malicious enjoyment of the misfortunes of others.

Sadism - Enthusiastic for inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others, a psychological disorder characterized by sexual fantasies, urges, or behavior involving the subjection of another person to pain, humiliation, bondage.

I always think of feigning care, insincere, disingenuous, disgusting, perverted, destitute, demonic...

Of course I have some culpability in the current condition of western civilization and even the so-called "third world". I as long as most us are materialistic and hedonists and support these multinational corporations that are owned by the banks that control it all. As a man, I have to accept my culpability and honestly understand that some of my habits contribute to the degradation of society. But as an intelligent person I also understand that there are a few tyrants who are the impetus and have made it such that it is difficult for me and anyone to operate in the world that the "elite" control without engaging with whatever they suggest, invent... actually force down our throats.

What gets me is that a lot of these tyrants have not been elected. They are just forcing their whims and the outcomes of their own corrupted, self serving will to decide that those not apart of their elite pedophile cult must be subjected to their program, their plans against their will because they know whats best for the planet. When their own actions, the companies that they own and invest in are far more damaging. If they just absolved their companies, stopped investing in companies that harm the earth or whatever bullshit propaganda they're pushing based up "scientific" predictions that never seem to pan out but always put more money in their pockets and give them more power over the huddled masses, if they just ceased to stop making trillions of dollars the planet would be just fine.

Even if the "elite" simply supported populists movements and did something as simple as ensuring that they stop manufacturing in the "third-world" or China. They could ensure that American materialism would not damage the earth (as they argue) because items would not have to traverse the seven seas or the skies, then transported on trucks to get to our doorsteps. They would still have to travel by truck but you can eliminate two carbon emitting processes.

The elite argue that would cause them to spend more on wages, which they ALL consider a bad thing. Then they say that if they have to pay more in wages that the products would be way more expensive. Then they are bailed out by the government causing inflation and the price of the products go up anyway while wages remain stagnant! They enjoy causing misery.

As the elite as the "Supermen" as Nietzsche put it they get to create their own moral codes based upon their own interpretation of reality. A continuation of Aristotelian philosophy which is based in deontological argumentation. In my estimation deontological argumentation is only used to explain away corrupted morality. "Morality is subjective," says the megalomaniac. The "elite's" morality is domination and control.

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