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We would like to thank the customers who purchased items from the "Empty Pockets OVER Empty Minds" Collection the first week of its release. We at Bad Thoughts Publishing Company are so humbled by the support and as idioms go we are at a loss for words, all of us, not a single employee has a word. The support for our collection compelled us to give something back to our customers.

"A discount," a now-fired employee said. "You don't have any employees dear..."

Every customer who purchased a product from the Bad Thoughts Shop from July 19th, 2020 to Noon on July 26th, 2020 will be entered into a raffle for a Writer's Kit, the contents of which we will reveal this coming Saturday, July, 25th. We will announce the Store Order # that wins the raffle on Sunday at 8 PM Pacific.

There is still time to enter. Just head to the Shop!

How the raffle will work:

  • Customer Store Order # will be raffle ticket number

  • One product = One raffle ticket; Two products = two raffle tickets, etc.

  • The raffle will be videotaped to ensure integrity (as few cuts as possible)

  • The winning customer will be emailed

  • Writer's Kit will be mailed to the mailing address on file

Again, we cannot thank you enough for your business!

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