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My Case For Prudence

"Affairs are easier of entrance than of exit, and it is but common prudence to see our way out before we venture in." - Aesop

I must say that in all situations I am not a very prudent man. I can be very impulsive especially when it comes to personal relationships. I do not necessarily think that is a bad thing but operating with some kind of prudence in my personal relationships as well as my words is something that my gaining wisdom understands. When it comes to government intervention in my life or the media's propaganda I am extremely prudent.

This pandemic has further separated the country, not just the country families, friends, husbands from the wives, it has cause separation by death. By all accounts, the disease-causing the world's turmoil must be reckoned with but I believe that it cannot be reckoned with in this manner. All of the data that the Center for Disease Control, John Hopkins, and the World Health Organization have compiled in regards to this disease is alarming and certainly would scare the shit out of anyone who passingly looked at the data would absolutely believe that the Federal government must intervene in the interest of public health and safety.

As many (or few) may understand I am not one of those people. I believe that this pandemic has been used by some very insidious and immensely powerful people and entities that only wanted to take advantage of the fear that they have drummed up. I understand the psychology of the herd. That people will generally not only follow the Judas goat but do some assuredly and proudly. Even though they are being led to slaughter.

That is my case for prudence. Individually, we have been endowed with minds that should be able to think critically about what is happening in the world today and not accept what is being posited by groups of people and entities that only seek to benefit from the goat meat. I could put on my tin-foil hat and relay that this is only for a depopulation agenda. That this is the culmination of an agenda that the elite have engaged in not only for decades but for centuries, eons. I'll put that away for now. I just want to outline my case for prudence. The above Chief Thoughts (Subscribe to our Youtube Channel) that attempted to highlight the Double Think that has infested our society and has not allowed for just about anyone to distinguish between what is valuable information, what is misinformation, and what is undoubtedly misinformation. Anyone focusing on what is being propagated by the people who only seem to be benefitting off of the misery that most often they created. The cognitive dissonance is unbelievable but I get it. People just want to return to normal but if history is any guide (it should be the ultimate guide) this amount of power is never relinquished. It becomes completely totalitarian until an uprising until the people under the throe of that power that has been snatched from them decide that they want their power back.

All I am going to do is post links to articles that the mainstream, corporate, legacy, whatever you want to call them, media has published on their own rag websites that not only contradict their own fear-mongering narratives but inform anyone who is paying attention into breaking from the herd or at the very least understand that their is a very devious program being engaged by those in power to purposely mislead us into their slaughterhouse.

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