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Multi-Lateral International Cooperation

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

The World Economic Forum (WEF) had convened about a week ago for their 52nd annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland to discuss how they will continually, forcefully, influence the people of the world and the methods they will leverage, their prestige and success the only qualifications for that power, to ensure that their dominion over all of existence persists (the Bilderberg group is meeting this weekend to discuss the same there is overlap in the members of both organizations).

It is no secret that there has been "elites" throughout all of human history that have conspired to create a One World Government or a New World Order. The World Economic Forum's function is to continue the work of previous organizations and the WEF is operating in the penultimate stage before it is admitted that the goat god, Saturn, Cernunnos, Moloch, Baal, any of these pagan gods who are all stand ins for Satan, is the true god of this world. Satan is who they serve. The New World Order is no longer a clandestine, surreptitious group operating under the cover of the conspiracy theory propaganda. They have come above ground and in fact are unburdened and braggadocios in outlining their plans for world domination.

The current quest to create a One World Government was formed out of the ashes of the militaristic British Empire. Organizations from Great Britain began to investigate then institute methods for mental and political colonization. The British "elite" at the time understood that if they could not militarily control the world they had do so culturally, that meant that they must control (destroy) the religious, social, and moral mores of the whole of society and institute their own. The gun is not as powerful as the pen and some Britons finally understood that. I believe that the roots of this current conglomerate of "elites" began with the formation of the Fabian Society which still is active today and has very prominent members such as ex-Prime Minister of Great Britain, Tony Blair.

Third Generational Environmentalism (E3G) a climate change think tank report, Taking Back Control: Where Next For Household Energy Efficiency Policy in the UK?, outlined the mission of the Fabian Society;

"The Fabian Society is Britain’s oldest political think tank. Since 1884 the society has played a central role in developing political ideas and public policy on the left. It aims to promote greater equality of power and opportunity; the value of collective public action; a vibrant, tolerant and accountable democracy; citizenship, liberty and human rights; sustainable development; and multilateral international co-operation.

Through a wide range of publications and events the society influences political and public thinking, but also provides a space for broad and open-minded debate, drawing on an unrivalled external network and its own expert research and analysis. Its programme offers a unique breadth, encompassing national conferences and expert seminars; periodicals, books, reports and digital communications; and commissioned and in-house research and comment."

The Fabian Society was named after the Roman general, Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus. During the Second Punic War according to Britannica online, "Fabius waged a war of slow attrition, avoiding direct engagement whenever possible. Fabianism or Fabian strategy has come to mean a gradual or cautious policy." Fabius eventually lost that battle with Hannibal and the Carthaginians and the strategy was soon after abandoned but years later was re-implemented and helped the Romans win the Second Punic War.

The Fabian Strategy, which is essentially incrementalism or gradualism, has been employed since the late 19th Century, throughout the 20th Century and is now in its final stages in the 21st Century. The many socialist movements, wars, financial crises, and other world events of the respective centuries have only helped the "elite" inch closer to their goal of a One World Government via the implementation of Globalization. One of the most conspicuous tool used by the Globalists is the Trojan Horse of social equality and justice. The Fabian's only want is to mold society in their image based upon their own self-beneficial reforms. They have safeguarded their predominance, their influence on society, by political infiltration. If they could control the American and British Governments they essentially control the globe. Incrementally, the Fabian Society (and the Rockefeller Foundation) have been involved in not only world events but influence in all of the prominent institutions in nations all over the planet.

The influence of the Fabian Society has not been limited to the infiltration of governments. They have had a vast influence on all aspects of culture. Frank Podmore was a Psychical Researcher (An anti-spiritualist and a staunch critic of Madam Blavatsky, warrantable) and had a big impact on the pursuit of atheism. The famous playwright George Bernard Shaw and philosopher Bertrand Russell were members.

George Bernard Shaw once said, "We should find ourselves committed to killing a great many people whom we now leave living, and to leave living a great many people whom we at present kill." He has also said, "A great many people would have to be put out of existence simply because it wastes other people's time to look after them."

Bertrand Russell once wrote, “I believe that, owning to men's folly, a world-government will only be established by force, and will therefore be at first cruel and despotic. But I believe that it is necessary for the preservation of a scientific civilization, and that, if once realized, it will gradually give rise to the other conditions of a tolerable existence.”

The British economist John Maynard Keynes' was not an official member of the Fabian Society but he was linked to them socially and ideologically. As an aside, Keynes was named Vice President of British Eugenics Society in 1937. Keynes wished for the establishment of a common bank and monetary unit for the whole world, he championed the welfare state and Keynesian Economics which is how the "free market" operates today. He had a primary role in the the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference in 1944, otherwise known as the Bretton Woods Conference. The Conference was responsible for the formulation of the the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Keynes as Director of the Eugenics Society asserted that eugenics was, "the most important and significant branch of sociology."

Famed author of a "A Brave New World", Aldous Huxley was a Fabian (why do you think it was so prophetic?). It is debated if the author of an equally influential roadmap to the current times, "1984", George Orwell was an official member, similarly to Keynes but he was associated with many of its member and so were his politics. Despite being one of their biggest critics. In fact, most of the members of the society had their own criticisms that is why debate was central to the conception of their ideology. I liken it to a Coach, General Manager, and Owner of an NFL Franchise arguing over what player to pick in a sports draft or what offense or defense they want to institute.

Amos chapter 3 verse 3 states “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”

One of the main tenants of the World Economic Forums agenda is world depopulation and many of the Fabians believed the same. Aldous Huxley wrote to painter J. Glyn Roberts:

"About 99.5% of the entire population of the planet are as stupid and the great masses of the English. The important thing, it seems to me, is not to attack the 99.5%...but to try to see that the 0.5% survives, keeps its quality up to the highest possible level, and, if possible, dominates the rest. The imbecility of the 99.5% is appalling—but after all, what else can you expect?" (From the L.J. Roberts and J Glyn Roberts Papers).

A more influential author on the thought processes of the Fabian Society and the New World Order was a student of famed eugenicists Thomas Huxley (grandfather of Aldous Huxley and Julian Huxley) Herbert George (H.G.) Wells. H.G. Wells once wrote in his work The Open Conspiracy; “Let us get together with other people of our sort and make over the world into a great world-civilization that will enable us to realize the promises and avoid the dangers of this new time.” Wells was one of the progenitors of the modern quest for the end of the nation state. A goal sought not only by Fabians but currently is one of the main goals of the WEF is to discredit world governments so that people clamor for the end of international borders. That mission must start with the demonization of nationalism. From a 1950 essay published in the Cambridge University Press written by Edward Mead Earle entitled, H.G. Wells, British Patriot in Search of a World State:

"It was his faith in reason and order that made nationalism anathema to Wells. Even the most sympathetic critic of nationalism will concede that it is a heady wine compounded partly of irrationality. Wells said he "loathed" it for its parochialism, its egocentricity, its intolerance. It "trumpets and waves its flags, obtrudes its tawdry loyalties, exaggerates the splendors of the past, and fights to sustain the ancient hallucinations.'" Nationalism tends to subvert the school, the press, the pulpit, and other organs of opinion and propaganda, with the result that issues (domestic as well as foreign) become difficult, if not impossible, of rational judgment or settlement." Nationalism became an exacerbating factor in politics only in relatively recent times. However, it is atavistic since it raises nations to the status of tribal gods."

It is argued in the above quotation that Nationalism causes nothing but subversion. His condemnation is completely self-serving because, as a socialist, nationalism, populism, and patriotism are antithetical to a One World Government. Of course he is anti-nationalism because the Fabians must establish and ordain their own program to subvert, sabotage, and eradicate all the institutions that formulate the nation state. The World Economic Forum expresses their condemnation for borders and like H.G. Wells condemn the nation state, populism and nationalism based upon their own prejudices and One World Government goals. Similarly to the Fabians, the WEF infiltrates governments with their own politicians, judges, District Attorneys, artists, bankers, and other Aristocrats who will cloak their insidious Machiavellian motives in sloganeering and other modes of propaganda that profess that they are operating in the best interest of the people. Those WEF agents are duplicitous fabulists that will only institute the programs of the WEF to ensure the downfall of the nation state. Earle acknowledges Wells' conflict of interest:

"It is necessary, too, in considering Wells' attitudes toward nationalism, to remember what Sir Arthur Salter called "the dominant and enduring passion" of his life the desire to have political and social institutions conform to the scientific and technological realities of the modern world. There was a time in the history of Europe when nationalism may have been a progressive, unifying force giving vitality to our civilization. But latter-day nationalism was separatist, disruptive, centrifugal, dividing mankind at the very time that powerful forces of science and technology were working in the opposite direction."

It is valuable to mention that Wells was not against the nation state if the state willingly submitted to the program of the One World Government. From The Open Conspiracy, "The Open Conspiracy is not necessarily antagonistic to any existing government. The Open Conspiracy is a creative, organizing movement and not an anarchistic one. It does not want to destroy existing controls and forms of human association, but either to supersede or amalgamate them into a common world directorate. If constitutions, parliaments, and kings can be dealt with as provisional institutions, trustees for the coming of age of the world commonweal, and in so far as they are conducted in that spirit, the Open Conspiracy makes no attack upon them." This exact thought process is being employed by the WEF with their Young Global Leaders initiative. As I have mentioned above they have "infiltrated" cabinets and all levels of society to ensure that countries submit unwittingly to the Build Back Better program. What better way to debase a population than corrupt leaders?

Although H.G. Wells was an eugenicists and so-called blacks were the lowest on the hierarchy of intellectual excellence according to most literature on eugenics of his day. He understood that to achieve a One World Government so-called blacks must be integrated into society. I surmise that the Civil Rights Movement in the United States was a socialist movement that attempted to (successfully) initiate black people into Globalism. Ever since blacks were "integrated" into mainstream American society the standards, want and need for self-sufficiency, our morals and family strength have been decimated, they have been destroyed. Wells does echo some of the "talented tenth" sentiment of W.E.B. DuBois (a black eugenicist) but noted in his work The World of William Clissold:

"But the negro has hardly ever had a dog's chance of getting civilised in considerable numbers, and yet his race has produced brilliant musicians, writers, and men of scientific distinction. In the eighteenth century he was the backbone of the British navy. I refuse to consider even the black patches of the world as a gangrene in the body of man kind . . . I do not propose to write any formal reply to the many preposterous volumes of incitement to race jealousy and conflict that have been published in the last few years, books about the Yellow Peril, the Rising Tide of Colour, the Passing of the Great Race, and so forth. Even the titles are banners and aggressions. . . . There has never been any Great Race, but a continual integration, dispersal, and even reintegration of active peoples drawn from the most diverse sources, and there is hardly a people which has not contributed some important release or achievement to the common progress."

Moreover, it isn't just the black masses that have been severely degraded by globalization. All people of any race, color, ethnicity, or creed on this planet have been demoralized by the WEF and all those organizations have come before them. All they have done with the products and technologies created by the so-called elite have only degraded the standards, intelligence, and mores of every group in the global society.

Wells was against the common eugenics theories of his time in regards to race which believed that the races deemed inferior did not have any inherent value and could be rendered impotent or euthanized. Still, he was still staunch depopulationist. As I have mentioned overpopulation was one of his greatest concerns and the WEF enacts a depopulationist program. Wells wrote in A Modern Utopia;

"...the fundamental evil out of which all the others that afflicted the race arose. An overwhelming flood of newcomers poured into the world and swamped every effort the intelligent minority could make to educate a sufficient proportion of them to meet the demands of the new and still rapidly changing conditions of life… Upon this festering, excessive mass of population disasters descended at last like wasps upon a heap of rotting fruit. It was its natural, inevitable destiny."

H.G. Wells was also was not a self-proclaimed transhumanist but anachronistically that label can be placed upon the writer. It stands to reason that since the term was coined by his pupil Julian Huxley that Huxley was undoubtedly influenced by Wells' thought-processes on the future of humanity. From The World Brain Wells' writes, “the creation of a greater mental superstructure to reorient the mind of the world is an entirely practicable proposal”

The World Brain was series of essays that did not explicitly mean a hive mind as in all minds physically connected to a machine that controlled human thought and therefore human actions and interactions. Wells' envisioned a World Encyclopedia that would be the fount of all human knowledge that would ensure that all of humanity would think on one accord because of the power of the knowledge it held. The current transhumanist have taken that concept and actually intend to connect the minds of the world to a machine that controls human consciousness. The minds of the "elite" will not be hooked into this hive mind as their consciousness will either control the mind or inhabit the robots, androids, and machinery that controls the the thoughts of the hive mind.

Yuval Harari and the platform of the WEF constantly promote the value of modern technology and that it will soon not serve humanity but replace, dominate, and enslave humanity. H.G. Wells believed similarly again from A Modern Utopia;

"Now in a couple of brief centuries the Utopians, who had hitherto crawled about their planet like sluggish ants or travelled parasitically on larger and swifter animals, found themselves able to fly rapidly or speak instantaneously to any other point on the planet. They found themselves, too, in possession of mechanical power on a scale beyond all previous experience, and not simply of mechanical power; physiological and then psychological science followed in the wake of physics and chemistry, and extraordinary possibilities of control over his own body and over his social life dawned upon the Utopian."

The Man of the Year Million as with the work The World Brain are centrum to Wells' thoughts on the evolution of human intelligence. From a 1958 essay written by Gordon Haight in the University of California Press, entitled H.G. Wells' The Man of the Year Million Haight writes, "Written in the facetious Carlylean vein, it purports to be a review of "a great unwritten volume" by Professor Holzkopf of Weissnichtwo University. Man, the Professor argues, having evolved from shapeless protoplasm, is bound to undergo further modification. He is a creature of the brain and, if he live at all, will live by his intelligence rather than his muscles. Obviously, by the year million he will have a larger brain and a slighter body than at present... Here is the Professor's description of man of the year million:

Eyes large, lustrous, beautiful, soulful; above them, no longer separated by rugged brow ridges, is the top of the head, a glistening, hairless dome, terete and beautiful; no craggy nose rises to disturb by its unmeaning shadows the symmetry of that calm face, no vestigial ears project; the mouth is a small, perfectly round aperture, toothless and gumless, jawless, unanimal, no futile emotions disturbing its roundness as it lies, like the harvest moon or the evening star in the wide firmament of the face."

Wells' vision of the Man in the Year Million does give insight into his own motivations. He did not attempt to separate himself from the masses (as with all these globalists, same with the post-modernist always contradiction themselves) About his own mind he expressed, "Essentially I am a very ordinary, undistinguished person. I have a mediocre brain, a very average brain, and the way in which my mind reacts to these problems is therefore very much the way in which most brains will react to them. But because it is my business to write and think about these questions, because on that account I am able to give more time and attention to them than most people, I am able to get rather ahead of my equals and to write articles and books just a little before the ideas I experience become plain to scores of thousands, and then to hundreds of thousands, and at last to millions of other people."

Wells believed it was his time to think and work out a solution to the problems of the world whilst the members of the WEF are obsessed with their own intelligence. Empirically, if you look at the members of the Fabian Society as well as the members of the World Economic Forum they are not elite physically. In fact, many of them do not possess any of the standards of beauty and have no imposing physical stature. They must exalt their intelligence (only validated by their successes) and must seek to move their consciousness into machines who will fit the Greek ideal of the exceptional human body because like the nerd being stuffed into a locker their intellect alone does not garner or warrant any special consideration or privilege. It is not impressive or something that should be lauded. This is also why the Fabians and the WEF must infiltrate and coerce because their programs on their face are megalomaniacal and do not exude any intelligible thought process and they understand the masses of the people the world over will outright reject them. H.G. Wells writes about his own body, the same body as these WEF scum, in his work Experiment in Autobiography;

"By 1887, it had become a scandalously skinny body. I was five foot five and always I weighed less than eight stone. ... I would survey my naked body so far as my bedroom looking-glass permitted, with extreme distaste. . . . There were hollows under the clavicles and the muscles of the arms and the legs were contemptible. I did not realize that this was merely a matter of insufficient food and exercise. I thought it was an inferior body ? perhaps past hope of mending."

Wells' insecurity his harsh criticism of his own corporeity I believe is one of the reasons why many transhumanists want to abandon the body for a supreme intellect and consciousness. They do not like what they see in the mirror and can only convince themselves using postmodernists rationale that the mind their supposed intelligence is their identity, so they must mold themselves to fit this identity.

The Fabian Society is one of the greatest influences (the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Tri-Lateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, United Nations, and all of the organizations that came out of the Bretton Wood conference not withstanding) in the quest for a One World Government. The World Economic Forum has been built on the backs of the Fabians who wanted to force the world into socialism (Communism) by the aggrandizement of their own version of morality. The Fabian Society's logo denotes a wolf in sheep's clothing poignantly. Little do the people who will clamor for this socialism understand that they soon will become a meal. The morality of the WEF is not the equity of mankind but of the Übermensch. The one who can invent their own morality out of their own narcissism, vanity, and perception of their worth in society, as the Fabian Society mission states, "drawing on an unrivalled external network and its own expert research and analysis."

"Drawing on an unrivalled external network and its own expert research and analysis," is the exact thought process employed during the plandemic. Every major actor, every nation with the strictest lockdowns, was led by politicians apart of or associated with the World Economic Forum. They made it their goal to propagandize their experts and ensured that their could be no warranted or acceptable question to their "findings" and authority. The origin of the virus, how to treat the virus, lockdowns, and who is essential was all "expertly" decided and those "experts" were beyond any admonition or censure. The authoritarians, the totalitarians cannot and should not and will not be questioned. Despite the obvious conflict of interests.

They have found it moral to destroy because then the WEF can Build Back Better. Th socialism they promote that they tout will quickly morph into a multinational corporation controlled Communism. Those who seek a One World Government claim that they are the moral arbiters of the world and can decide what's best not only for nature but for its people because of their supposed "intelligence" and "prestige." That is all these "elite" will profess. Probably because the masses they have ensured are moronic will consider that reason enough. What is best for the planet to the unelected (despite many members being elected officials) WEF is to exterminate most of its population, as Huxley desired in his letter to J Glyn Roberts because they will be deemed unessential and unworthy. The WEF and its members believe that they are separate from humanity that it is their god given (their god is Lucifer) right to reshape humanity because the planet has been gifted to them. They are the modern Fabians, the newest acolytes of the New World Order that are charged, that will ensure that the planet is under their control and once controlled they will as the creed of the Fabians states, "Remold It Nearer to the [their] Heart's Desire."

Luke Chapter 12: 2-4

2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known

3 Therefor whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon housetops.

4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do

The heraldic symbol of the Fabian Society

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