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M.ake A.ll P.s Suffer

The nomination of the first black female Supreme Court Justice has been very controversial due to the fact that she was light on child predators. She should be put in jail for that. That is inexcusable but I realize that ALL people in positions of power in this nation are Luciferians who must engage, and they do so willfully for power, wealth and prestige, in the Bacchanalian Rites and Eleusinian Mysteries and the power that comes from the sexual abuse (sex magic) and murder of children.

The only reason there is an uproar over this judge, who deserves to be in jail for the rest of her life, is because of the prominence of the position she may obtain. There are many judges who let child predators go with just a slap on the wrist because they are customers of child sex traffickers and sympathize with the degeneracy. I agree that affirmative action hiring has led to the downfall of competency in all American industry (black people are the face of affirmative action but white women and the LGBbTQIAP+ have benefited from the program the most), but this shitty judge should only be the beginning. There are too many judges and prosecutors that are on the side of child predators. If a fucking lawyer defends a child predator they should be considered an accomplice to the molesters, the rapists, predation.

The criticism of her is righteous, I agree, that broad should not get the job, she should not have any job and should be in jail as an accomplice to the sexual abuse of children but why aren't the pedophiles that she released being tracked and exposed? Is that because this justice system has a habit of letting sex offenders go free? I forget that we live in a society that loves child murder (abortion), child mind manipulation (CRT, Gender Theory, Critical Theory) and mutilation and would gladly allow sexual predation against children to persist.

The media is focused on this black scum of a judge and not on the white degenerate predators that are out there free to be a danger to children. Who are not facing any criticism. This should be a signal to everyone who cares about their children or about children that ALL judges who free predators need to be held accountable for their treachery against the family. The other judges all over the nation who allow sex offenders and pedophiles to go free need the same exact scrutiny. T

As an aside, what race is harming children the most? They are now trying to get laws passed that allow for the termination of life weeks AFTER birth. The same as pedophilia they want child sacrifice to be accepted and celebrated. The media is purposely obfuscating the one pathology that you can confidently ascribe to white men and women and that is the raping and molesting of children physically and/or mentally. From Alexander the Macedonian to slave traders and colonizers all over Europe to modern sex tourism in Africa and Southeast Asia, who is attacking the youth the most? From the attempted promotion of pedophilia in the universities and all over the media to the glorification of child murder, who are the greatest promoters of this?

If these true white racial ideologues want to continue to pathologize black people and use our foibles, our degenerates to represent us all, I will gladly do the same. Black people are victims of selective outrage. For example, the recent uptick in crimes against Asians, admittedly most often committed by black folks (mostly black immigrants) is some sort of signal of the racism in black people and now Asian people are victims. There were less than 300 "racial" crimes against Asians in 2020 which is up greatly from previous years but there were almost 3000 racial crimes against black people and these white racial ideologues and a lot of their Asian or part Asian or black immigrant flunkies use false association to connect criminality to the whole of the black community. These clowns only focus on the Asians and the black racial hoaxes (hoaxes that I denounce). These FOOLS only continue the false pathology that black people are inherently violent and prone to criminality is only to distract from the abasement and immorality of their own communities.

Enough of that. There are child predators of all races, ethnicities, cultures etc and they all need to die or be put in prison for life. The justice system in the United States refuses to do so. If there is any cause worthy of vigilante justice this is it. Shout out to Cain Velasquez.

Racial politics aside, if she is confirmed, which she most likely will be, this is the beginning of the decriminalization of pedophilia and you will see artists, politicians, teachers, and others from all walks of life walk around with their catamite like they are in the Renaissance or southeast Asia. This is why many in the society embrace and actually take it as a badge of honor that they are for the destruction of the family, "traditional" gender roles, they are for abortion and the sexualization of children. It is cool, hip, and good for the planet that the family does not exist. So the victimization, the debasement, the perversion of children is not just celebrated but mandatory.

"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."

-1 Timothy 4:12

Here are links to just a few of the THOUSANDS of articles on sexual predation against children. Just like with Asian "hate" and other crimes I cherry-picked articles to create a pattern.

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