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Familial Destruction

There has been nothing more beneficial to the deterioration of society than the destruction of the family. Undoubtedly, the destruction of the family was engineered by the “elite” because the “elite” understand that a strong family means a strong society and culture which would make the “elite’s” propaganda to achieve their wily serpentine goals; null, void, and unprofitable.

The family has been destroyed and it is up to us to rebuild it as it was for eons. Why I quoted 2 Thessalonians 2: 2-17 was not only because I hope that it elucidates or enlightens, illuminates (not in the mason way) people to what has happened and what is happening to this society. I believe that I have always had this understanding, that is why I was anti-religion. Religion is not truthful but the scriptures are. Once I began to read and understand the scriptures, I began to understand the programming.

I have the inverted cross tattooed on me which has many meanings. According to a theory not explicitly outlined by the scriptures the Apostle Peter felt that he was unworthy to be crucified in the manner of Christ. So, he desired to be crucified upside down. It was also adopted by the Cathars, heretical worshippers, and currently by the Satanists and others who are anti-religion and anti-Christ (!!!). The reason I wanted the tattoo on me is because I was anti-religion. I never called myself or adhered to Satanism or Luciferianism (wittingly).

The upright cross being used as a symbol for Christ and Christianity is not ordained by Christ and in my estimation has become an idol. Similarly, the head of Cesare Borja has wrong been used as the bust for Yeshua Hamasiach, it is a phony effigy that helps bolster the mystery of iniquity; in my estimation. More on that later but I would also like to use the destruction of the family as an example of how this society has believed the delusion that the destruction of the family is imperative to freedom and that society can function when the family has been destroyed. In fact, the destruction of the family (which is why the scriptures have been demonized) is the reason for society dysfunction.

As an aside, all these rappers who get a gold bust of Cesare Borja and hang it around their necks, understand that the deceptive idol has ZERO connection to The Most-High and Yeshua Hamasiach. They know wholeheartedly who they are serving.

Most people are being deluded to believe that the destruction of the family is imperative for the happiness of society. All the while denying that it has been this same destruction that has caused intense societal melancholy. There is still no greater measure of success in this society or any society than a two-parent household filled with structure, discipline, and love, all hopefully guided by the scriptures. This society has demonized one parent, specifically the father, as the true oppressor in the home whilst the guiding principles of the family should be decided by the mother alone as emboldened not only by the state and federal governments but also by what the state and federal governments propagate through the media and school systems.

Actually, city councils, state and federal legislators, governors, the executive, and judicial branches are supposed to usurp and replace the role of the father and society is supposed to be better for it. The father has absolutely been disregarded not only at the behest of society but supposedly for the benefit.

If you gauge the results honestly and do not individualize experiences with either the maternal or paternal parent and evaluate the society as a whole you will come to the conclusion that the society’s greatest wrong is making it beneficial to remove the father (either parent but the father has been ostracized most vehemently) from the home. A father, with his head on straight, as the leader of the home, not only the home but the community with a strong moral foundation as guided by the scriptures, will not allow his family to succumb to the ailments and deceitful programs of this society’s forcefully adoptive foster-parents.

Like children in foster homes, the outcomes are more likely to be more negative and life will be more strenuous for the mother and child without both parents working in unison to nurture them to adulthood.

The first to objective in destroying the home the “elite” had to demean the scriptures. That began not only with the inception of the Catholic Church and its conflation of its paganism, then scientific method, and ultimately the corrupt social movements of the 19th and 20th century. The scientific method and science in general is man’s attempt to explain the universe through an intense worship of man; to the point where it has been posited that man has created himself. The scientific method coupled with critical theory (which is the most insidious invention that not only corrupts minds to distort reality but also demonizes members of society based solely on circumlocutive reasoning based solely in theory) has been the greatest tool to achieve the “elite’s” serpentine goals. At this current juncture with the plandemic and the implementation of critical theory in all facets of society, since there is no strong families with the father at the head, to join with the mother to combat the faulty reasoning, the mother must rely on the single authoritative voice in her life. The state, the corporations, and the media the only authoritative voices in the home that forces family to accept a corrupted discernment.

Critical theory teaches women (and other self-diagnosed oppressed groups) and would be mothers that hedonism, hyper materialism, and indentured servitude, through corporate wages and student loan debt, is true freedom. Women are being told that their bodies are a whores temple and that they must accept any and every John and their sexual freedom will liberate them from the oppression of a patriarchal society.

That is a misguided and depraved liberation that only enslaves the woman to that whoredom and the corporate structure that ensures that they wither. Their lack of accountability not only to a man but to themselves will lead them to only behave in the manner that the critical theorists told them were the crooked ways of the man. A woman’s freedom is behaving as the corrupted man but they never realize that the corrupted man will undoubtedly face negative consequences from the state. All of us will most definitely face negative consequences from The Most-High. When they are faced with the consequences of their actions the critical theorists can only pawn off those consequences on the men who have been ostracized from the family structure by the choices of women. The society ensuring that the women’s choices are justified, no matter the truth.

The family is the only hope for this society. The state cannot and will not be a substitute for the father who with a firm but loving and benevolent hand guides his family in righteousness with the scriptures as his guide. Again, this society has descended into nothing but chaos and the catalyst is not only corrupt figures that call themselves governors but the absence of the father in the home.

The delusion being engendered is always wrapped in a sophistry that makes the audience believe that what is being theorized has been validated by limited and minimal amount of experiences and that society must be changed to fit the theory. Despite an accurate assessment being based upon individual thought processes and not by an appraisal of society that is not rooted in biological or philosophical biases and prejudices but upon democratized understanding. The personal is not political especially in a society where that is impossible to democratize. The experiences of a minority of women was grafted onto the whole of society and propagated by a machine that knew that it could use the unfortunate circumstances and experiences of a small minority of women and their bastardization of reality to further the destruction of the family.

I will not discuss why I believe the “elite” are working through the woman.

Now look at the society. Take a gander, take a long look. No father in the home and society is not better for it. Neither are the conditions of those who were supposed to overwhelmingly be helped by the father’s absence. They have been warped into a simulacrum of women which in turn has made men a simulacrum of themselves because they have no family to steward, to guide, and are actually being told they are evil or malevolent for wanting to be the seneschal of a family.

Another aside. It is being advised that a real man in this society is an effeminate, unthreatening, biddable, docile, moist, submissive, pliable, weakling. You are a real man if you take penis from men and “women” and agree with the power structure whole heartedly.

That is how the delusion works on the family. The family is better if it is disjointed. It takes a man and woman to have a child but the man should be disregarded and the society will be better for it. The mystery of iniquity has greater ramification than familial destruction.

To gain some understanding of the mystery of iniquity we must understand what the scriptures say. The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-17 from the King James Version of the Bible:

1Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,

17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work

I will focus specifically on verses 7 to 14. I will not explain this too much because I do not have that strong of a grasp of the scriptures (who truly does) but I believe that in my limited understanding that the mystery of iniquity is in regards to the religions that are surreptive in their practice and more insidiously, the directives they use to seduce and deceive adherents of the scriptures. These denominations of Christianity purport to be under the throe and guidance of The Most-High’s word but engage in bastardry. Even if the followers of these religions believe that they are doing all they can to live under scriptural law and following its laws to the best of their ability they may be unwittingly (like me with my tattoo of the inverted cross) ignoring that what they are doing is not what they think. They may be categorically against the Most High’s and Yeshua Hamasiach’s edicts and commandments. We are called to The Most-High and his Son not by man but by the scriptures and following a religious caste more than we follow the word, is and has been, our doom (and my own).

That is not my judgement to levy but it cannot be denied that the way the scriptures are cherry picked and how for example the Pope is allowed to make edicts against the scriptures and surround himself with idols and actually engage in many pagan practices and rituals, I think it should be evident to the most novice Christian that there is some incredible swikelness at the fore. But it is not our duty to fight against the flesh as Ephesians Chapter 6, verses 10 through 13 profess:

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

I understand that it is The Most-High’s will that we do not attack the flesh of the wicked because as adherents we must understand that he is using Satan to work through those possessed at the behest of The Most-High, to not only test adherents to the scriptures but fulfill his prophecy. But we must also wrestle and combat the wickedness of the rulers who are command the darkness of this world. If anyone deserves to be admonished it is the Governor of New York’s testimonial (at the beginning of the above Chief Thoughts) to a Brooklyn congregation (filled with The Most-High’s chosen) is undoubtedly using those under the possession of the mystery of iniquity to galvanize the “saints” who her demonic ass (look at her! She is surely possessed. She purposely flashes her ‘Vaxxed’ charm not only because she worships Asar but also because she wanted the congregation to know that she hates The Most-High) into a demonic program ordained by corrupt institutions led by sinister sophistical scum. We must resist and fight vehemently against Satan’s design and she is obviously one of Satan’s architects.

A strong father, even if not an adherent to the scriptures, who is investigative and inquisitive, rational, and thoughtful would not accept her manipulative call and her chastising and demeaning of his people because they did not follow the coercive suggestion of state and federal governments that have not solved any problem in the black community or any other problem in the greater society. The politicians who are the pursers of this society have not solved or been the savior or have provided a solution to ANYTHING! The only accomplishment of these scumbags is purposely destroying the entire society and ensuring the destruction of the black community. A strong father would use history as his guide and not simply accept propaganda from those who only benefit from coercion. A strong father would not allow any person or entity to tell him or his family to shut off their brains and accept blindly something that may have such long lasting effects on his family’s health. Especially, if in his own research it has not been deemed worth the risk. Especially, in a society that is censoring the risks and damages of their benevolent offerings.

How can the governor of New York charge or gather apostles, as if she is a prophet of The Most-High, not speak of the glory of The Most-High, his Son, and the scriptures but to enact a program proposed by a scientific and medical industry/community that since the dawn of the scientific method have attempted to disprove the Most-High’s existence and only accepted The Most-High’s existence as mythical? They cannot even prove their main theory against The Most-High’s existence, evolution. Science has been wrong way more often than it has been correct, whilst the scriptures are plain and infallible. These days and times outlined greater by the scriptures than by anything that doctors and scientists have posited. The scientific community is filled with admitted atheist who rely on their own understanding (against Proverbs 3: 5-6) and their own best judgement to guide and heal their patients often times with inconclusive and often times disastrous results. The scientists and doctors are only PRACTICING and EXPERIMENTING! If the scientific and medical communities simply promoted the dietary law of Leviticus 11 along with 30 minutes to an hour a day of exercise, they would not only eliminate most of the ailments that afflict this society, they would also end their own careers. That is why they do not promote the scriptures and also deny the benefits of homeopathic practices.

Anyone who follows the governor of New York’s edicts, especially her foolishness in firing those in the medical industry (even if we are supposedly in a dire pandemic) who refuse to get an experimental vaccine, that does not work, for a disease whose death rate is lower that the underwear of the whores who claim to be feminists, and trusts her as a messenger of The Most-High and succumbs to the delusion that not only she promotes but the power structure in this society, are undoubtedly consumed by villainy. They have exalted themselves above The Most-High and believe that they should own our bodies and dwell in us (with their medicine) in our temple which is The Most-High’s alone, like they want dildos and penises.

The crux of this statement is in reference to 2 Thessalonians verse 11. That we have not only been under the delusions of those who are the supposed stewards of the word but also under the delusions of the specific paths we should take in order to achieve happiness in this life.

The mystery of iniquity is the doctrine that guides this society. We are undoubtedly being governed infallibly, unerringly, and questionlessly by wicked forces as guided by Satan to destroy the moral framework dictated by the scriptures. These demons have taught that hedonism and all out avarice, pride, vanity and all ailments which are the antithesis to the words of The Most-High, are the pathway to safety, progress, and true happiness in this lifetime. We should worship the unrighteous, the unwrast politicians, celebrities, doctors, and scientists as a pantheon of gods whose ordinances must be followed or you will be struck down with a lightning bolt, rather ostracized from society. These delusions have only led to depression, suicide, and other mental illnesses that comparison and egoism seed and wrought. We have followed them to the peril of the family and by proxy the destruction of ourselves. The mystery of iniquity works in mysterious ways and it works always. I have discovered that it is not inscrutable.

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