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"Fake Death" Our Next Novel

In the near future I will be releasing my second novel, Fake Death. I will soon have a book description and a release date but now I am still finishing the manuscript. I began working on the Fake Death novel in 2016 but I put it to the side for The Dorner Protocol which was very arduous and stressful but some of my most enjoyable writing.

My next work will be more difficult. The Dorner Protocol was a fiction, a fantasy, science fiction (with a lot of truth as to where this society is going) where my imagination would be clever and deviceful. Fake Death will be grounded in reality and similarly based upon a true but more personal event. I will have to and have dug deep into my soul to not only understand the incident but also accept who I am as a man and how I am a steward of this society as an artist.

This is what I'm working on currently. I also have a few more short stories I will post on the blog soon, maybe leading up to another book of short stories I will publish. Lest I forget, I am going to finish the trilogy that began with Someone Sinister and Universe Unraveling. I just wanted to give a brief update (and remind myself) of my artistic path.

Buy my novel The Dorner Protocol. You will not regret it.

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