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Experience Teaches the Mind and Body

Updated: Oct 20, 2021

This disease is real. When this scamdemic first began I did think that the PCR tests were simply reclassifying influenza because they are both respiratory illnesses and the symptoms were pretty much the same sans loss of taste and smell and the severity of the respiratory problems associated with each disease, COVID having more severe consequences. I would still argue that influenza is being conflated with COVID because in 2019 and 2020 flu seasons had record low cases and deaths, almost as if the flu had disappeared amount of cases and deaths.

My family and myself as I outline in my 50th thought of today, have had this disease. My partner having the most severe bout. My bout speculative but I believe I did have it because my partner contracted the disease nearly a year later and I did not have a single symptom and if this disease is as communicable as is posited I should have had it (unless I was asymptomatic which still boggles my mind. When you have contracted the flu you absolutely know you have the flu).

My greater point is that we survived. That is not to diminish those who may have lost their lives to this disease, I am still waiting for science or doctors to distinguish between dying of COVID and dying with COVID because COVID can have asymptomatic properties. Similarly, the media scares people by counting cases (and not deaths) case severity is never denoted. The media also scares people that hospitals are full of COVID patients but does not denote that many other people may be in the hospital for other health related reasons. They pretend as if COVID is the only disease known to mankind. The media makes sure they never mention the minuscule death rate.

Furthermore, if this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated what does unvaccinated mean? Does it mean people who took no shots, one shot, two shots? It means all three. Unless it has been TWO WEEKS after a single shot of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, and the second shot of the Pfizer, you are not considered fully vaccinated. From the CDC’s website; “Fully vaccinated persons are those who are ≥14 days postcompletion of the primary series of an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine. Not fully vaccinated persons are those who did not receive an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine or who received vaccine but are not yet considered fully vaccinated.” Link to the CDC’s website here. Don’t they love to prey on misconceptions and ignorance? If a person experiences a vaccine energy or dies after they have taken the jab and it has not been two weeks they can be labeled an unvaccinated death.

I understand that my family’s experience with the disease is not that of other people and families. I am not some social justice warrior who believes that my individual experiences can be extrapolated then grafted onto the whole of society. I just believe that if this disease ranges in severity from no symptoms at all to a ventilator (which will be revealed in time as the true killer) overwhelmingly no matter your health status unless you have almost three co-morbidities you can and will survive this. Our bodies are resilient and strong, there are other remedies that are purposely being denied for selfish gain but politicians, medical, media, and scientific establishment corrupted by pharmaceutical companies (because they are all on the take) have completely censored them. In fact, if all they did was promote healthy eating habits and actions this scamdemic would not have been severe as obesity and underlying diet related diseases like heart disease and diabetes would have made this a whimper. The fact that doctors and scientists and the government are promoting a one-size-fits-all solution to not only a nation of over 300 million people but to a planet of over seven billion is preposterous and overreaching and they are only employing an authoritarianism that is all too familiar when dealing with power structures and people in power. We all cannot even eat the same things as some of us have allergies to foods that are found in nature. These are collective despots ruling only by edict not by any of the false associations they use to deceive a moronic population. “Follow the science” is what they demand like @science is some Twitter handle (it is) with an answer for all strife and contention in the universe.

The American Ideals that we supposed those in power were supposed to project has hypnotized this society into believing that those in charge of the society cannot be corrupted as there are checks and balances. But when a society is denied those checks and balances and one party (some argue fraudulently) assumes control they undoubtedly will and have institute an authoritarianism that does not serve the interests of the whole of society but only the interest of those in power. Even those who support the current regime in control are victimized as is the want of power. Power is exclusive not inclusive, especially with the democratic, liberal “elite” who only want to use critical theory as a shield to hide their actions of greed and corruption and give the illusion of care to a desperate population looking for absolution for their ailments.

We must not succumb to the lies of the "elite" who obviously, history as my guide, has proven and movements like Antifa and Black Lives Matter have argued over the past few years, have never cared about the people and have not solved any problem in this society. I'm afraid it may be too late. I hope for the health of our society so we can fight this tyranny together.

As an addendum, the quickness of this rollout should scare anyone who hopes to have long lasting health. The 1955 polio vaccine was rolled out eerily similarly and that vaccine was linked to many cancers. From the National Institute of Health's website;

"Our analysis indicates increased rates of ependymomas (37%), osteogenic sarcomas (26%), other bone tumors (34%) and mesothelioma (90%) among those in the exposed as compared to the unexposed birth cohort."

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