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End of Pre-Orders and The Dorner Protocol Official Trailer

We at Bad Thoughts Publishing Company would like to thank everyone who has Pre-Ordered our fifth work and the first novel The Dorner Protocol. Pre-Orders have ended.

The "Unredacted" version is now only available for Pre-Order at in Hardback and in Paperback.

There is one version that will be available on the seventh day of June in the year 2021 and that is the "Redacted" version. The "Redacted" version is not in color and does not have the full Manifesto as it had to be redacted to protect national and international sensibilities.

Finally, there will be two other versions that will come later this summer. We will soon release an eBook and an Audio Version of the work.

Again, we cannot thank those who have Pre-Ordered The Dorner Protocol enough. We appreciate the time you will take to read this work even more as time is a greater commodity than money and certainly you will spend more than your perceivable wage reading this work (if it doesn't just collect dust on your shelf or if you don't burn it after the Prologue and Chapter One).

It's almost here! For those who have Pre-Ordered the novel, your copies will ship soon, check your emails!

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