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Cooking the Books

Updated: Nov 13, 2021

Chief's fifty-sixth thought of the day. Subscribe to Bad Thoughts Publishing Company on YouTube.

The clip in the beginning of the video is from Alex Jones' InfoWars. I know how the mainstream media and a lot of people period feel about Alex Jones and InfoWars but I have been verifying a lot of the sources he uses on his show and I understand that the "conspiracy theorist" label similarly to "anti-vaxxer" are red herrings that are supposed to distract from the information being presented. InfoWars is just one of the many outlets I frequent. I believe and have always believed that it is okay to seek information from a variety of sources and it is up to me to verify the information that is reported and presented. I do not agree with all the opinions of anyone but when you have the documents and I verify how can I not? The clip of how Pfizer sponsors just about every mainstream media program and outlet I found fits the proceeding essay perfectly. So I accept proudly if anyone calls me a conspiracy theorist. I actually wrote a post on my personal blog regarding that possible, if not probable inference. If you study the history of this nation and its agencies I cannot comprehend how there are not more people enthralled by "conspiracy."

I cannot comprehend what's going on, actually I am incredulous! In a society being dominated by a political party whose acolytes claim to be anti-capitalists they are not questioning the company who is the savior of their health is engaged in a solely capitalist enterprise. The company sponsoring the media that is advising that we all take their sponsors medicine is SELLING the cure for this scamdemic. Their record profits are not eye opening. I know calling out the liberals (all politicians) as hypocrites is no bother, supremely effortless, but the psychical incongruity is just... stunning, prodigious. I don't get it! Pfizer advertising all over the media and in doctor's offices is not a conflict of capitalistic interests? The age old adage do not bite the hand that feeds you is most apt. The Food & Drug Administration is funded by Pfizer and the pharmaceutical industry them as well.

From a USA Today “Fact” Check:

“While there is a concern industry-based funding – which increased nearly 42% between the fiscal years 2017 and 2021 – may pose a conflict of interest, the FDA has said its drug approval decisions are independent of where the funding comes from.”

The FDA is trusted to denounce their own possible conflicts of interests? Similarly, Pfizer is allowed to conduct its own non-peer reviewed studies to gain FDA approval. That is like me verifying that I am the greatest poet and novelist of all time by studying my goddamn self. For fuck sakes! Where are all the investigative journalists? Oh, being paid by Pfizer to shut the fuck up!

To further understand the capitalist interests of Pfizer and the entire pharmaceutical industry, here is a quote from Doctor Raymond Woosley who was interviewed for a PBS Frontline article regarding the FDA’s processes of review. The doctor expounds on how the FDA, pharmaceutical companies, and lobbyists disregard the health and safety of the public for quick review so that the drug can be rushed to market.

PBS Frontline Question: What's the lobbying in terms of safety?

Dr. Woosley: “Nothing. They're not lobbying for safety. ... The pharmaceutical industry doesn't lobby for safety. They lobby for rapid review, rapid access to the marketplace. They haven't lobbied for drug safety; no one has. There are groups, consumer groups, that have spoken out, but not with a uniform voice. Large constituencies haven't joined together to say, "Stop the harm." When the papers came out from the Institute of Medicine talking about medical errors and medical harm, I thought surely there would be action taken and the agency would be given money to increase its safety net. But it hasn't happened. There's a lot of lobbying for helping the agency serve. No lobbying [is] being done to help it get its safety mission accomplished.”

Now we understand why the pharmaceutical companies have been granted indemnity against any and all injury caused by the vaccines.

The indemnity is the cover for the obvious conflicts of interests and is also the protection that the media and Pfizer, who have claimed magnanimity, in the roll out of this vaccine. This is why they can speak so definitively about this medicine’s efficacy. The people have no recourse! The current state of affairs in the world and being on the precipice of the City of Los Angeles' own vaccine mandate I thought I would attempt to distinguish between being vaccinated and unvaccinated. A notable and huge part of not only the conflict of interests but also the media and CDC’s cover up of that conflict by professing the pure efficacy of the Pfizer product. It is also how they hide how inefficacious and impotency of Pfizer's ballyhooed product.

Are people considered vaccinated once they receive the recommended doses of each of the Federal Food & Drug Administration’s approved or emergency authorized medicines? Not quite, as I have outlined on this blog before.

According to the Center for Disease Control;

“In general, people are considered fully vaccinated:

  • 2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or

  • 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine

If you don’t meet these requirements, regardless of your age, you are NOT fully vaccinated. Keep taking all precautions until you are fully vaccinated.

The incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection, hospitalization, and death is higher in unvaccinated than vaccinated persons, and the incidence rate ratios are related to vaccine effectiveness.”

The CDC does not consider you fully vaccinated unless it has been two weeks AFTER you completed the series of jabs for whatever vaccine chosen. What does that mean to the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” as Joe Biden stated?"

The CDC is not distinguishing between those who have not taken the vaccine at all or those who are partially vaccinated. That should be alarming especially considering that it is being reported all over the media that the overwhelmingly number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are in those who are “unvaccinated”. Again, the “unvaccinated” includes people that are on their way to doing what is mandated or may have done what is being mandated but two weeks has not passed since their completion of the vaccine program. The reporting agencies and the media are purposely conflating those partially vaccinated with those who have not taken a single dose of any of the vaccines.

Why are they not making that distinction? Is it because they are terrified of the numbers of those who have taken any part in the series of vaccines being injured or killed? That to me seems to be inexplicable, seedy, and sleazy that the media as well as the governmental agencies are not reporting how many people have experienced some injury despite being partially vaccinated.

“Fully vaccinated persons were those who received a Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna mRNA vaccine (92%) or the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine (8%). A COVID-19 case in a person who was not fully vaccinated occurred when the person did not receive an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine or received less than a complete primary series or if <14 days had elapsed since completing a primary series of an FDA-authorized vaccine before the specimen collection date. This analysis represents the combined impact of the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Janssen vaccines, which had different clinical efficacies against confirmed infection (95%, 94%, and 67%, respectively).

To ascertain COVID-19–associated hospitalizations, two jurisdictions relied upon case investigations; seven jurisdictions relied upon hospital records; two jurisdictions relied upon both case investigations and hospital records; and two did not submit hospitalization data. Four jurisdictions reported hospitalizations only when COVID-19 was the cause, and SEVEN reported COVID-19 cases in persons hospitalized for any cause.

To ascertain COVID-19–associated deaths, eight jurisdictions relied upon vital records; and five jurisdictions relied upon a combination of vital records and provider reporting (two), case investigations and vital records (two), and provider reporting, case investigations, and vital records (one). Eleven jurisdictions provided deaths with COVID-19 as a cause; one provided all deaths that occurred within 30 days of becoming a case (without confirming cause); and one provided deaths confirmed with COVID-19 as a cause or within 60 days of positive specimen collection.”

The range of COVID-19 reporting has not been standardized which I find extremely concerning especially considering that the Federal and State Governments are mandating a one-size-fits-all solution.

The chart on the above linked study only denotes Not Fully Vaccinated and Vaccinated! It stands to reason that the vaccine injury, COVID-19 cases, and deaths can be caused by the vaccines!

Furthermore from the Kaiser Family Foundation website;

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently monitors hospitalizations and deaths, from any cause, among fully vaccinated individuals with COVID-19, but not breakthrough infections, which it stopped monitoring as of May 1. CDC presents this data in aggregate at the national level but not by state, and there is no single, public repository for data by state or data on breakthrough infections, since the CDC stopped monitoring them.”

Continually, “Importantly, not all hospitalizations and deaths of those fully vaccinated and diagnosed with COVID-19 are due to COVID-19 or have a known cause at the time of reporting. The CDC reports that as of July 19, of 5,601 hospitalized breakthrough cases, 27% were asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19 and of 1,141 fatal cases, 26% were asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19. States differ in whether they provide this detail. DC, for example, reports that as of July 11, 50% of hospitalized breakthrough cases were due to COVID-19, 19% were not, and 31% were of unknown reason. However, few states made these distinctions.”

The coming institution of mandated booster shots for all populations will increase the unvaccinated pool exponentially. The goal post is constantly being moved and the majority of people are still trying to kick 75-yard field goals. None of this makes any sense and that is the intent. It is obvious to me that those making the mandates and edicts are only abusing their power and will never provide a viable solution to the pandemic that they have caused. They will continue to change definitions and not fully espouse what the definitions they have created mean.

They cannot shame me to go along with their program when their own numbers do not justify any of the methods being employed to solve this plandemic. That is even more evident because they are mandating that children must take these shots when they are virtually unaffected by this man-made virus. It has come out that Anthony Fauci WAS involved in funding gain of function research in the lab that released this virus.

The books will continue to fry as long as people refuse to recognize that the definitions and the numbers are tools not to protect or secure our health but to fool the population into placating to power (and more guileful missions and directives) that the “elite” will never reveal or relinquish. It is only up to the people to inform ourselves and save the books from the frying pan before they burn.

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